Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th August 2024.
Woolshed Valley Road, Otaio
(signposted from SH1,
Natural terrain
Entry fees
$110 Minis Support Classes
$150 Junior/Senior National classes
$130 Vet support class
Entries not completed in full and/or without entry fee will not be accepted.
$20.00 Late entry fee will be enforced; entry and payment must be received by 5pm Friday 9th August. Late entries only accepted at the discretion of the organisers.
Entries not confirmed until payment received.
Enter Online www.timingtech.co.nz (entry form page)
Pay by Direct Credit to:
South Canterbury Motorcycle Club 03-0887-0240725-00.
Please use your surname, initials & ‘TT’ as a reference
Entry confirmation: will be posted on www.timingtech.co.nz
Friday 9th August 2022 at 5pm.
Support classes may be closed earlier if full.
There will be a minimum of 6 prepaid entries for a class to run (at close of entries), and a maximum of 40 (20 Minis) riders for all other classes.
Some classes will be split start with another class.
Friday afternoon option (TBA after close of entries)
Saturday 7.00am – 8.00am
Riders briefing:
8.15am Saturday & 8.30am Sunday (in your gear)
All competitors must have the correct safety gear and protective clothing as per rules 8.1 and 8.1c, & 8.1e including Body Armour – commercially available Motorcycle Body Protection (Armour) that must include back protection.
Safety Helmets – as per rules 8.2 & 8.2a-8.2n and Helmet details must be shown in the appropriate section in the rider’s logbook. Boots as per rule 8.3 & 8.3b.
Lap-scoring will be by Timing Tech using Mylaps Electronic Transponder system for all classes.
It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure return of undamaged transponder & bracket at the end of the event. Failure to do so will mean competitor is responsible for replacement cost ($600 transponder & $30 bracket)
If you have your own bracket either remove this or attach the hire one to the other fork. (Brackets must be returned attached to the bracket provided at sign in)
The COC & Race Secretary reserve the right to change or alter classes if insufficient entries have not been received by closing date (affected competitors will be notified).
Note: Some classes will have a split start.
Main Track: Saturday 3 rounds & Sunday 2 rounds
Mini Track: Saturday 5 rounds & Sunday 4 rounds
* Depending on entries received by closing date
(9th August) and weather/time permitting.
All National Class Riders must hold a current MNZ competition Licence and must present that licence along with log book and a current club membership at sign in. Support Class riders as above OR purchase a one event licence (minimum age 4yrs & over) for $40.00 (includes event club membership with SCMCC)
One Event Licence (only available for Support classes):
In the absence of holding a MNZ Licence, competitors may apply for a One Event Licence. All riders must adhere to all rules as per the Manual of Motorcycle Sport
(see www.mnz.co.nz) & the supplementary regulations:
Not limited too but including:
Competitor has no medical condition that prevents them from safely participating in this event & has not suffered from concussion or had a head injury in the last three weeks.
Their motorcycle is in a safe operating condition and type suited to this event, (all side stands must be removed).
One Event Licences must be completed in full at sign-in before participating in any part of the event and must be signed by the competitor and if under 18years of age counter signed by a Parent or Guardian.
Riders who miss pegs must return to the track as soon as it is safely possible without gaining an advantage, race position or damaging track markings. Should an advantage or gain in race position happen from the incident, or damage be done to the circuit markings while returning, the rider may be penalised as per rule 6.10a.
Subject to sufficient coverage, via Mylaps Speedhive & CTAS. Live timing are not the official results and often don’t show DNF’s & penalties.
Official results will be posted on result board at the event and on ‘Results’ page on Timing Tech website at the end of each days racing.
More info available on www.timingtech.co.nz
Will be a clutch start behind backward falling gates.
Correct racing numbers are to be worn on the back of body armour or jersey (National classes) & on bike as per rule 10.2.
Refunds of entry fees will be as per rule 5.5a.
Pit bikes – Under no circumstance will pit bikes be permitted at the event
No dogs – No exceptions.
No tear offs – No exceptions.
No push bikes around the track, pit area only.
Riders are responsible for behaviour of Pit Crew & rider & crew will be asked to leave if deemed necessary.
The use of alcohol & drugs is not permitted as per rules 6.20.
Random technical inspection as per rule 6.19 & 10.1
No motorcycle at any event shall exceed the stipulated noise emission level of 96dBA as per rule 10.6a.
Camping is available at the track.
Hot & Cold food and Coffee available on site.
For any reasons of Force Majeure, should a meeting or part of a meeting be cancelled, any entry fee refunds will only be made at the sole discretion of the organizers. The COC/Race Secretary reserve the right to alter the meeting format/race duration as may be deemed necessary.
POINTS SCALE – For all races (6.14a)
Points awarded as FIM System. Part points will be used from 21st place. In the event of a tie, overall result will be based on count back as per Rule 6.7a.
1st 25; 2nd 22; 3rd 20; 4th 18; 5th 16; 6th 15; 7th 14; 8th 13; 9th 12; 10th 11; 11th 10; 12th 9; 13th 8; 14th 7; 15th 6; 16th 5; 17th 4; 18th 3; 19th 2; 20th 1
Results will be posted on result board at each track and uploaded to the ‘Result’ page on the Timing Tech website at the end of each days racing.
Only the official results may be used in the event of a protest.
Trophies 1st to 3rd place for all classes (including support)
Participation awards for all minis.
Prizegiving to be held at Pareora Town & Country Club (time to be confirmed approx. 4pm)
Rider must turn up to this event with their Bikes, Riding Gear, Trailer and Vehicle etc in a clean condition.
Entry Secretary: Adele May – Timing Tech 027 4576430
Email: timingtech@xtra.co.nz
MNZ Steward: Paul Fisher & Paul Albert
Clerk of Course: Clayton Lucas & Josh May
Mini Clerk of Course: Adam Bell
Protest committee: Steward, Club Representative & Riders Rep: Nominated at riders briefing.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY: To South Canterbury Motorcycle Club, and Motorcycling New Zealand Inc.
I have read and understood the Supplementary Regulations for this competition and agree to be bound by them and the Manual of Motorcycle Sport of Motorcycling New Zealand Inc. Together with the terms of the indemnification hereunder, and the requirements of the Noise Restrictions as listed. I indemnify South Canterbury Motorcycle Club Motorcycling New Zealand Inc., Local Bodies and Landowner, their agents and all Officials against any claims arising from my attendance at this meeting.
1. I have read the Supplementary Regulations* for this Competition and agree to be bound by them and the Manual of Motorcycle Sport, the MNZ Constitution, and the MNZ Code of Conduct.
* Supplementary Regulations also available at www.timingtech.co.nz
2. I am aware that the sport of Motorcycle Competition might a) cause me injury; serious or otherwise b) damage my property.
3. I wish to take part in the 2024 TT Nationals despite the above risks.
4. Neither I, or anyone associated or connected with me will make any claim against you or your officers, employees or agents in respect of: a) any injury suffered by me; or b) any damage to any of my property regardless of how the injury or damage occurs.
5. I will indemnify you against all claims, damages or losses (including costs) which you incur as the direct or indirect result of any injury to me or damage to my property.
6. I am physically fit and there is no health or other reason why I should not participate in the sport of Motorcycle Competition.
7. I am aware that this disclaimer will not affect any legal obligations you have to me which you cannot contract out of under NZ Law.
8. I agree that in this disclaimer “my property” includes any property owned by me or in my possession or under my control.
9. I agree that this disclaimer will be binding on my family, my heirs, my legal assigns and my administrators and executors.
10. I accept that stripping and re-assembly for Technical Checks are at my cost.
11. I consent to the details contained in this form being held by the South Canterbury Motorcycle Club for the purpose of the promotion and the benefit of the race meeting concerned, and Motorcycling in general. I acknowledge my right to access and correction of this information. The consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.
12. MNZ supports the FIM/IOC Charter on drugs in Sport. MNZ uses the services of Drug Free Sport NZ and other agencies to professionally carry out the testing. I acknowledge by signing this form I maybe subjected to a drug/alcohol test at any time. I agree to such testing. I further agree that my name can be published by MNZ as having taken part in a drug/alcohol test together with the results of that testing.
13. I confirm that my machine complies with any technical rule(s) set out in the Manual of Motorcycle Sport and/or the Supplementary Regulations and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is in safe working order and fit for competition.
ONE EVENT LICENCE (Support classes only) – I do not have a MNZ Competition Licence therefore require a One Event Licence for this event:
In the absence of holding a MNZ Competition Licence, I acknowledge that I am able to compete by partaking on a One Event Licence. By reading and acknowledging this disclaimer, the Supplementary Regulations and the following rules I acknowledge that I adhere to all conditions to compete at this event using the One Event Licence.
The ability to compete whilst using a one event licence may be withdrawn at any time by Motorcycling New Zealand.
I acknowledge that I will wear an approve helmet, along with approved boots, gloves, and motocross clothing as per the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle Sport – see www.mnz.co.nz
I acknowledge that no drugs or alcohol are permitted at this event, and I am not under the influence of either.
I acknowledge that I may be subject to random drug & alcohol testing as per the MNZ Manual of Motorcycle Sport.
I acknowledge that I have no medical condition that prevents me from safely participating in this event. I have not suffered concussion, or a head injury in the last three weeks.
My motorcycle is in a safe operating condition and type suited to the events that I am partaking in.
I acknowledge that attending riders briefing is compulsory
It is a condition of entry that all person having any connection with promotion, organisation, and conduct of the event including land owners, will be absolved from any liability out of any accident however caused and resulting in damage to property and or in respect of death or personal injury.
I fully indemnify Motorcycling New Zealand Inc., its agents representatives, employees, contractors, other competitors and promoters from and against any liability, whether or not due to any act or omission of these parties which arises from my participation in the event including by way of example any accident, damage or injury.
I agree that I have no medical condition that prevents me from safely participating in this event. I have not suffered concussion or had a head injury in the last three weeks. I acknowledge that should I suffer a head injury or concussion three weeks prior to this event that I will not partake due the MNZ stand down period.