Home Events HELMET DETAILS (One Event Licences Gold Nuggets)

HELMET DETAILS (One Event Licences Gold Nuggets)

Hosted by Westland Motorcycle Club
Permit #21171
As you have indicated you require a One Event Licence to help speed up the sign in process can you please complete the form below with your helmet details.  This will greatly reduce your waiting time at sign in

Helmet Standards for OEL Gold Nuggets (2025)

  • HELMET BRAND (ie BELL)APPROVAL (ie E9 or M2015 or AS/NZS1698)SERIAL NBR (ie 051999/P 021.45.576 or XM204392)MNZ CLUB (see note below - put 'NONE' if not a current member of a MNZ affiliated club 
    Competitors riding on a One Event Licence if not already a current member of a MNZ affiliated club will be need to join the Westland Motorcycle Club on the day. Current membership card will need to be required to be sighted at sign in


01 - 02 Feb


8:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Westland Motorcycle Club


Westland Motorcycle Club